Alysa's Blog

Be Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful in Prayer." Romans 12:12

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I’m Just a Bill

My 4th Grade Novel

This year in 4th grade we are reading Willow Creek Home/A Paradise Called Texas it is about a German family that moves from Germany to Texas.   Mina and Papa go through tough times in this book.  They move to Texas for land to live on and crops to plant.  You will see that some of the main characters in both books.  They soon discover that there are Indians that kidnap Mina she gets away but not with out any cuts her hands have no skin on them after that.  You should really read these books they are really good.

ReMax Realty

The ReMax Realty came to visit us today to teach us how hot air rises.I learned that hot air rises and cold air sinks.  I also learned that the wind controls the air balloon not the pilot.  To make the air balloon sink you pull a rope and the top will come off.  The temperture can go up to 270* if it goes over the balloon might burn and have a hole in it.  The hot air balloon was the first aircfaft ever built in the 1700’s.

A My Name Is…

A my name is Alysa and my husbands name is Andrew we come from Arizona and we sale apples.


My favorite food is steak,

I’m learning to make it each day.

It’s not that hard to make,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                When you make it every day.



A little boy and his Aunt was sepperated from the little boys Dad because of work.  The little boy writes a letter to his dad until he finds out the roads are all blocked from all the snow.  The Mail Man helps out by making skis and rides them to Nevada.  The little boy finds out his Dad will be home on Christmas.

Opinion and Why

Yes, I would recommend and reread this book because, I like the part when the mail man makes homemade skis.





Water Conservation

We should save water because are population is increasing, cause if we dont start saving water we could all die w have to have water to survive.

First we start in the kitchen by using less water.  Here’s an idea.  Use less water by washing dishes only when dish water is full, over 100 gallons of water is wasted every day in one house. Next, you should start outside ,only play in the water when your parents are watering the plants.  only water your plants in the morning because much water evaporates at noon.  Over 100% of water in the United States we only have 1% of fresh water.  Finally, turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, never keep the water running, use a cup or only turn on he faucet when getting brush wet.  Did you know 100 gallons of H2O is wasted by only one family member?

People  should start conserving water now because in the future we may not have ANY water.  Thats how you can start saving water.

How Santa Got His Elves


Santa looked all over the world for elves to help him build toys for all the little boys and girls.  The place Santa stops is where the elves are.  Mrs.Claus also travels all over the world looking for Santa The place she stops is where Santa is.

Opinion and  Why

Yes,I would re-read this book because I like the part when Santa goes all over the world to find little helpers  and the place that he stops is where the elves the elves  are all at.



The Best Gift

The best gift I have ever given was a crackle pot and liquid candles.  My mom was so excited she gave every body a chocolate chip cookie.  From now on my mom uses the liquid candles every day 24/7.  The kind of candles I got her was called Smoke and Mirrows,and Red roses.  It was the best birthday present gift ever.

by Alysa








The Night Before Christmas by Clement C.Moore


This book is about a man who saw Santa and eight tiny reindeer.  Santa went down the chimney.  Santa saw the man and said ho-ho-ho and when he did his stomach jiggled like a bowl full of jelly.


Opinion and Why

I would re-read this book because, I love the part when Santa says ho-ho-ho and his stomach jiggles like a bowl full of jelly.


My rating is 1 to 5=Excellent.

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