We should save water because are population is increasing, cause if we dont start saving water we could all die w have to have water to survive.

First we start in the kitchen by using less water.  Here’s an idea.  Use less water by washing dishes only when dish water is full, over 100 gallons of water is wasted every day in one house. Next, you should start outside ,only play in the water when your parents are watering the plants.  only water your plants in the morning because much water evaporates at noon.  Over 100% of water in the United States we only have 1% of fresh water.  Finally, turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, never keep the water running, use a cup or only turn on he faucet when getting brush wet.  Did you know 100 gallons of H2O is wasted by only one family member?

People  should start conserving water now because in the future we may not have ANY water.  Thats how you can start saving water.